Growatt SPF6000 DVM

Growatt SPF6000 DVM

Alta eficiencia, ideal para sistema remoto. 110/220VAC, MPPT 80A, 48VDC, 150 VDC PV

Potencia y Control: Growatt SPF6000 DVM, Energía Solar a Tu Alcance

El Growatt SPF6000 DVM es el aliado perfecto para tu sistema solar. Con una potencia robusta y tecnología de vanguardia, este inversor te brinda el control total sobre tu producción de energía. Su diseño versátil y eficiente se adapta tanto a aplicaciones residenciales como comerciales. Equipado con funciones avanzadas como monitoreo en tiempo real y compatibilidad con baterías, el Growatt SPF6000 DVM te ofrece una solución completa y confiable para aprovechar al máximo la energía solar.






Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!

Providing Value To Our ClientsThrough Ongoing Product & Innovation.

While improving the yield and performance of solar energy products, our PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing, financing and supply chain expertise for every step.

Raw polycrystalline silicon for PV manufacturing. Offered in various grades and formats including chunks, chips, powder and ingot.

The Results!

Mono, Multi & Bi-Facial Solar Cell Products

A leading international supplier of solar wafers for PV module manufacturers. We market a complete portfolio of reliable, high-quality solar wafers to meet the manufacturing demands of our customers. Our solar silicon wafers can be built to the exact specifications of solar manufacturers.

Working with our suppliers and trade associations like SEIA we help PV manufacturers increase efficiency while minimizing costs.

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Years Of Experience In
The Solar Industry

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